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N/R CMR30 conversion kit
USD 50.00

UPC : 110922110922
Department :Parts & Gear
Category (Action) :Grips Pads and Stocks
Caliber :N/A
Barrel Length :N/A
Class : Non Restricted
Capacity :N/A
Manufacturer :IRUNGUNS
Model :NR CMR30 conversion kit
Country of Origin :USA

Kit includes

1, NR Carbon Fiber Canadian compliant stock and front sling attachment. The stock is a perfect fit with the ability to attach a sling.

You will need to remove the rear pin to interchange the stocks. You will receive everything you need to make your Kel-Tec CRM-30 non restricted. Once the new stock and sling adaptor are installed you will need to have an RCMP verifier make the necessary changes with the Canadian Firearms Program to have your new CMR-30 Non Restricted.